Emily Didonato, a Victoria’s Secret model and new mum, is on a health journey!

After welcoming her second baby, she’s lost 40lbs (~18kg) in a consistent way without starving herself. In a recent “What I Eat In A Day” video, she shares her delicious and nutritious meals that helped her reach her goals.

Disclaimer: We neither encourage nor condone these tips! If you’re interested in implementing any of these tips into your lifestyle, do consult with a healthcare professional beforehand.

Who says health can’t be yummy? Emily proves fad diets are a thing of the past with her tasty and sustainable approach to losing weight.

Here’s What Emily Didonato Eats in a Day

Pre-Workout Breakfast

First things first: breakfast!

Emily starts her day strong with a protein punch – savoury sausages and scrambled eggs – to keep her feeling full and ready to take on whatever comes her way.

Post-Workout Protein Shake

Aiming for around a hundred grams of protein a day, she makes a smoothie packed with greens, frozen banana, protein powder and creatine.

Plus, Emily states that she uses peanut butter powder instead of peanut butter to get the flavour without the full-on calorie load!

The creatine in the smoothie helps her muscles recover and build faster, while the protein keeps her feeling full and energised all day long.


Emily keeps it simple and satisfying for lunch. She preps her meals with colourful steamed veggies like broccoli and brussels sprouts, along with a sweet potato and homemade meatballs.

“This kind of is what I usually have for lunch, some sort of protein, some sort of carb, sometimes it can be quinoa or Japanese sweet potato and tons of greens.”

This isn’t about fancy dishes, but about nourishing her body and staying energised.

Carbohydrates like sweet potatoes are a complex carb, meaning they release energy slowly, keeping you feeling satisfied for longer.

Afternoon Snack

Even supermodels get cravings!

Emily’s solution? A handful of veggie chips to satisfy that salty urge. It’s a reminder that healthy eating can be flexible.

While not the ultimate health food, veggie chips can be a better option than regular chips, offering some vitamins and fibre to keep her on track.


Dinner is another quick and simple meal for Emily.

She throws together a refreshing Greek salad with leftover grilled chicken, feta cheese, and a simple salad dressing of Dijon mustard, olive oil and red wine vinegar.

Packed with vitamins and minerals, salads are a great way to end the day. Chicken is a lean source of protein and feta cheese adds a dose of calcium and healthy fats.

To satisfy her sweet tooth, she enjoys some grain-free cookies for dessert.